Life, death, and grieving

Since 2018, sixteen relatives and close friends have died. There are more, if you count extended acquaintances. Several of these were extremely close. It is had a significant impact on my life and has led to a reexamination of who we are, what we are, what is real, and what is not. One of the most soothing things for me has been the writings of theoretical physicist, Carlo Rovelli. He has many books, but I have been thoroughly enjoying Reality Is Not What It Seems and There Are Places in the World Where Rules Are Less Important Than Kindness. I grew up with Christianity and am no longer a Christian, but am aware that we know so little about reality of the universe, if that does indeed exist in the way we think. I now reject nothing and embrace everything, while adhering to my personal journey in searching for truth. In the meantime, I will be posting about my friends and family so you might meet them. Mvto.