The TV show Naked and Afraid is my latest obsession. That, and Alone, which is quite extreme and scary, in the American sense. I love watching how humans react in unusual situations and it’s not easy to stop watching it.
Today, I’m attempting to connect what I like to do (practice) with things that are left to procrastination (everything else). My own method of practicing is to do it in increments of 2 to 5 minutes throughout the day. All day. I have a very short attention span and this alleviates that. Juxtaposing the repetition with breaks builds a super strong muscle memory combined with musical awareness (I’m always doing harmonic analysis as I repeat). If I can do this with emails, I’m set! Good luck to me.
My keyboard practice is currently the JS Bach D minor Harpsichord Concerto and the JC Bach Op. 13 #4 Harpsichord Concerto in B-flat. Great fun and it’s very interesting practicing on both harpsichord and piano. I’m learning so much. I’ve played lots of continuo, but it’s rare to get an opportunity to play harpsichord concertos. Looking forward to being with the Chamber Orchestra of Philadelphia in April!